Monday, September 15, 2008

Why Aren't My Ears Being Raped By Awefulness?

The other day I was listening to my iPOD, when the Beatles song, Hello Goodbye, came on. I was listening to it and I had to be like, 'wait a minute, this version is actually not half bad. Oh right, that's because it's the Beatles and not some fucking knock off slash crap version that is being played on the target commercials.'

It's sad to this that the Beatles are being, pretty much, raped of all their awesomeness because of corporate america. Fuck them! and Michael Jackson too, for buying all the rights to all the Beatles songs.


1 comment:

Ali said...

I believe Michael Jackson lost the rights to their songs? idk. My parents told me that, and they're not that trustworthy.

And Jonas didn't rape the Beatles......I swear, they didn't want to do it! They were raped by Target. No lie.