Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Just My Opinion, But It's True.

As most of you know, I am a huge Barack Obama supporter. He is by far the most eloquent and charismatic politician in my generation that I can remember, since you know Clinton was when I was too young to appreciate him. I mean, I've been a, for lack of a better word, fan of Barack Obama since 2004, when he gave that really awesome speech at the DNC. Then I saw him on the Daily Show a couple of times, and was like, 'this guy is pretty awesome. I hope he runs come the next election cycle.' And when he announced, it was like I was actually excited to vote, and to be able to put my vote behind someone I actually believed in. I mean, say what you will about the man, but you cannot deny his public speaking ability. I was seriously moved during his more than fourty minute long speech.

I swear if John McCain is elected I don't know what I would do. Probably cry. Consider leaving the country, since clearly it will only go down further into the shitter. The sad thing is I used to like McCain, way back in 2000, when he had the straight talk express, and he seemed way cooler and more honest. It seems like in the years since that election, when bush cock blocked him from the white house, his integrity has just gone down the hole. OH and the part where he picked a female vice president, most likely just to get the Hilary supporters who are still too bitter that she's no longer in the running to vote for Obama. It's like seriously people, do you really want four more years of Bush policy? I didn't think so. Sarah Palin is seriously just the wrong choice for female voters. It's like she's anti-feminist [voting against abortion even if the girl was raped], anti-polar bear [she was against putting the polar bear on the endangered species list because...], anti-environment [ would stop from alloying them to drill in Alaska], and the part where she is a gun toting conservative. The chick is the govenor from Alaska, whose total population would only equal the 18th most populus city in the whole of the US. She has no fucking experience.

Ok total tangant, but anyway. This election means something. So i'm glad I'm old enough to be able to vote and to hopefully make a difference, even though California is a democrat state, so it's going to go to Obama anyway. Still. I like to think that my vote counts.

Oh yeah, I was watching Tv with my mom, when this commercial came on. It's like really weird and funny [stick around for the very end of the video, best part]:

1 comment:

Leon Berger said...

awww that's so cute! anyway can you get an absentee ballot for PA? That's what I'm going to try to do.