Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Damn You Alex Trebek!

Ok, so I know it's not technically his fault, but why the fuck did they change the Jeopardy [exclamation point] theme song? It was awesome before. The best part was at the end of the show, you know when Alex Trebek stands around and awkwardly makes chit chat with the contestants of the day, when the music is playing over the scene and then some random guy is like jamming out with a guitar solo in the middle of the song. It's like, so fucking awesome. It's like, I kind of want to meet that guy, and like, if I played an instrument, jam out to the Jeopardy [exclamation point] theme song with him. The guy is totally getting into it too. It just makes the end awesome. Then there is another guy, who is like playing the saxophone, and he too is totally jamming out. Man, what I wouldn't do to be a part of that jam session to record the soundtrack for the Jepardy [exclamation point] theme song. That must have been good times. Now, the theme song totally sucks ass. It's like just weird and going to take some getting used to, I guess. Although, I don't know if I will ever forgive them for getting rid of the best part. Listen in for the rockin' out solos.

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