Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Patronizing the Vote.

Watch video:

Let me sum up the video for you:

don't vote
don't vote
ok maybe vote
maybe you should vote
no definitely vote
you have to vote
if you don't vote, I don't know what to say to you
if you don't vote I am going to murder you, you stupid piece of shit

I find this video very offensive, just the way they try and get the young people to vote. It's like, reverse psychology shit, but it is just so condescending and lame. 'You know you have to register, right?' No Jack Dawson, I had no idea that you had to register, I thought you just showed up and they let you vote. What the fuck do you think? Ugh. I feel like there has to be better ways to try to energize the youth into voting. This is not it.

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