Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Frank TV!

The playoffs are shown on TBS. And on TBS they have this show called Frank TV. Since I am watching the playoff, I am subjected to countless hours of commercials for Frank TV. If you have not heard of this show, then you are blessed. At the very least you have probably been subjected to the worst TV commercials imaginable for Direct TV. In the ads, Frank does many of his mediocre impressions. Granted the dude sounds a lot like the people he is impersonating, but he look nothing like any of them. He barely even gets the hair right. It's like this. Think of George Bush. Ok. Now think of him shorter, fatter, and with really bad hair. That is what Frank looks like. The thing I don't get about this show, is why the network is shoving it down everyone's throats. WE GET IT. That guy can do run-of-the-mill impersonations of people that have been done many, many times before. Clinton, for instance, which, by the way, just sounds like Bush, so that makes it a doubly awful impersonation. But, the worst commercial is the one where he does his Jerry Seinfeld:

What makes this commercial so bad is that he looks nothing like Jerry. Nothing at all. The funny thing is, he actually looks a lot like George, except he sounds nothing like him. The one time he could almost pass for the person, and he doesn't get the voice down. What. A. Shame.

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