Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More P.C. Bullshit.

People are so damn sensitive these days.

First there were those people protesting Tropic Thunder because they use the word 'retarded in the movie.' No offense but that is retarded. In the movie, they didn't even mean it in a way that puts down retarded people, but rather to make fun of those serious actors who would only play a retarded person to get award recognition. That is seriously the most retarded thing I think I've heard. I don't think retarded means what it used to mean. Nowadays, it's more of like a put down, not like making fun of retarded people. I think Michael Scott said it best when he said, 'you don't call retarded people retards, it's bad taste, you call your friends retards when they're acting retarded.'

Now, this morning, I was reading huffingtonpost, and this article, and all I can say is: seriously? Blind people are going to protest the movie Blindness, because they feel that it is offensive to blind people. Are you serious. Apparently, they saw a screening of the movie and it just offended them so much. Come to think of it, how would they see a screening of the movie, if they're blind? How could they see what was on the screen? They're blind... These are just questions. Anyway, the movie is an allegory about what happens when communications break down, or something like that. Apparently what offends the blind is that, when this epidemic of blindness runs over people, they turn into savages, and are quarentined, and according to them, this reflects badly on blind people. Oh please. Give me a fucking break.

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