Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 5- I Got Up At 5 AM So You Don't Have To.

We got up, at 5Am, just to catch the sunrise, was it worth it?  Totally.  Then we drove through the Grand Canyon, stopping at all the pull outs, I swear, all the pics look the same after a while.  So, scroll down at you own risk.  Then we drove up to Las Vegas.


Grand Canyon [in daylight]:


Out of Grand Canyon:
Mustard field.

God Bless America.

I love cows.

Do you think it was called French Truck Wash, but they were forced to change it?

I always wonder what kind of person chooses to live in the middle of the desert, in a trailer.  I think I smell another script idea, Akita.

It totally looks like this hill has a hat on, or some hair.

Hoover Dam.

What I got of the Nevada sign.

Lake Meade.

I would not want to drive up that hill.

Vegas, coming upon us.

Our Room:

Very cool shower.

From inside the shower.

Hmmm. I wonder which bed is mine.

Sexy...not really.

Really awesome desserts:
Raspberry cheesecake.

Raspberry mousse cake.

The Phanatic loved the cheesecake.  Didn't leave any for me.  Sad Face.

He needed to take a shower after that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those grand canyon pics are gorrrrgeous!! people who don't get up at 5am don't know what they are missing. -g