Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where to Begin?

I think the title pretty much sums it up.  Where does one start a blog? How is that even done?  I mean two minutes ago i was just like most people without blogs, and now I have turned into one of those hipsters who must tell everyone how they feel about what is going on in the world.  When did i turn into that?  Well i guess it was just a matter of time.  I am typically that person who tends to start liking things once they have peaked or have already peaked.  Then by the time i get into it, it's already passé.  The one current thing that I can think of is American Idol.  I totally resisted the craze for years and years, until like a year or two ago, and even then i was just a casual watcher, did not really care who one or anything like that.  That is until this year, when i find myself rooting for people to win and actually caring about the show in general.  What the fuck.  And I happen to get into the show the year it has the lowest rating ever.  The year when people stopped caring.  That is pretty much sums up my life. 
so I guess the question you're asking yourself is, why? Why start this blog, you ask yourself.  The truth is who knows.  So i guess to wrap this up, I am not promising to entertain you, hell i might even bore you to tears with the mundaneness of my life.  But i guess, c'est la vie.

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