Saturday, December 13, 2008

This Is Why I Don't Talk To People In San Francisco.

Yesterday, Allegra and I were downtown, we saw Zach and Miri Make a Porno [pretty freaking awesome, except it was lacking some of the usual Kevin Smith dialogue, probably because he put in more ad libs from the stars, didn't really feel like a Kevin Smith flick in a weird way] and were waiting around until we had to catch a BART train to Berkeley, when we decided to go into Ross to shop. We were in the underwear section, looking around at bras and such, when some random old lady came up to us, picked up some really ugly, old lady bra, and said, "I have this one, it's very sexy." Then after seeing our disgusted, not-interested looks said, "well now you think I'm crazy." Then she walked over to her friend or whoever she was with and said, "This is why I don't talk to people in San Francisco."

1 comment:

Ali said...

First off, you went to see Zach and Miri without me???? I am soooo hurt.

And crazy old ladies are just strange. lol

boded - when you're like wrapped up real tight. lol