Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Can't Stop Listening to...

"My Freeze Ray" and "Let's Go To The Mall". Both songs totally awesome, and incredibly catchy. I mean NPH totally awesome in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and if you haven't seen it, what is wrong with you? It's totally awesome. And Robin Sparkles? Ummm, one of the best episodes of HIMYM ever! The song is so addictive, I must have listened to it like 10 times in a row last night after I downloaded it. Best line for me is, "but don't forget the robot" ! Too awesome.

Anyway, here they are in all their glory. Enjoy!

My Freeze Ray:

Let's Go To The Mall:

1 comment:

Ali said...

Yes, you have made my life. I fucking love those songs. We need to do a video to Let's Go to the Mall. I think we could make it epic.

Jantabi - A version of wantabi, which I forget what that is.