Today, after a week, I finally unpacked my DVD's today thus meaning I had to reorganize my shelf, and let me tell you, it is a real bitch trying to organize those things. It's like how do you do it in a way that makes it easy to find DVDs and that makes sense. Clearly the way I do it, makes sense to no one but myself. The way I do it, is by like a Six Degrees of Separation type of deal. I arrange them by genre/director/actor, like if I have a lot of DVD's that has a particular actor in it (which I'm prone to, since I get obsessed with a particular actor, then must have as many of their movies has possible) and in some cases by screen writer, but not as often, and then try to connect all my DVD's by having all my DVD's flow into each other. For instance, if I have Kevin Smith movies that obviously leads into Matt Damon movie, since Damon appeared in Dogma, which then could either lead in to Brad Pitt movie, or Robin Williams movies, both of which could lead into Edward Norton movies, since they both costarred with Norton in something, Fight Club and Death to Smoochy, respectively, and so on.
This way, I have found out, makes it really hard to find movies when other people are looking for them, since most people do not think of these things. So whenever I'm away at college, and I ask my mom to send me a movie, she can never find them, and is always like, I can' find it. Then when I come home, I find it immediately. The other thing that makes it difficult, is that on my shelf in my room, there are two layers of everything, simply because I just have so many DVD's. And then sometimes it just doesn't make any sense at all, like on one shelf I just simple made it "Random TV Shows", which I guess could be considered a "genre" since it is TV, and they do have a TV section in most stores. Still, I guess there has got to be a better way, but I just chose to do it this way, cuz it makes sense to me, and that's all that really matters, right?
The final product, I ran out of room, so I just had to pile them on my dresser:

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