So I am a total baseball fan, gotta watch the Phillies every chance that I get. And I like to watch SportsCenter and Baseball Tonight, or at least I used to, that is until they only stated talking about

four fucking teams: The Red Sox, Yankees, Mets, and who ever they decided is the "it" team of the week (which is never the Phillies). It's pretty fucking annoying, they never give the phillies any credit for anything they do, and don't show that many clips from the games themselves. Tonight, for example, they just about did an pitch-by-pitch recount of the Mets/Dodgers game, even though that one was not all that exciting and the Met won big. But when it came time to recount the Phillies game, it was like they showed like four plays and like two of the four Home Runs hit during the game, and none of the great defensive plays, even though in the end Ryan Howard's great catch made it into the top ten

plays. It is just really fucking annoying. I mean, the Phils made it to the playoffs last year, but all they could talk about was the massive collapse of the Mets, and while impressive, if the Phillies hadn't been hot, the Mets probably would have gone to the playoff instead. Also, most of the time, when the Phils do make a great play, it doesn't get recognized by the people over at ESPN, they are too busy kissing the Red Sox' ass, and showing really repetitive diving catches. Like after about two of them, they get really boring. The Phillies are awesome, and at the top of their division at the moment. Plus the Phillie Phanatic is the best mascot in all of sports.
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