I remember when The Mole first started all those years ago, at first I was like, psh, oh please, another stupid reality show I'm not going to watch. But then, I caught one episode and I was hooked. I mean, it's a total mind fuck, you have to try and figure out who is subtly trying to sabotage all of the challenges, and remember these like minute details, like what color shirt the mole was wearing or at dinner time who did the mole sit next to? Shit like that. Plus, back in the day you had the Steel Fox, Anderson Cooper, was on hosting duties. Anderson Cooper, for crying out loud, sure it was before he turned into a "serious" journalist, but still. I'm telling you, this show is way better than people give it credit for. I mean in Entertainment Weekly, a magazine whose opinion I respect (most of the time), asked the question, "The Mole returns, does anyone care?" I responded with a resounding, "HELL YESSS!"
But, then again, I was probably the only one.
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