Monday, September 15, 2008

Great Show, or the Greatest Show Ever?

I know what you're thinking, and no, I am not talking about The Office. Shocking. I know. Don't get me wrong that show is def in my top 3 favorite shows of all time. Anything with John Krasinski in it, is fine by me. But, no, that's not what I'm talking about. No, what I'm talking about is singularly one of the best things ever. It's called Hole in the Wall. And while, yes, that is not the best title for such awesomeness, it kind of makes it sound like some weird pervy show where like people are like forced to peep on their neighbors and get to see everything that they do [that would be gross, FYI]. No, this show comes from Japan, I think, and in Japan it is called Human Tetris, a much more well suited title for the show. And in this show, contestants stand at the end of like a ramp area, and a wall comes at them, with a shape that they must recreate, or else they are pushed into the water pit behind them. Doesn't that just sound awesome? I. know. The only downside to this show is the one cohost they have, Brook something or other, I think she maybe dated Bruce Willis for a while. That is neither here nor there. All I'm saying is this show is soooooooo amazing [and you know that's true because I used 8 o's in so]. Anyway, check it out below, as well as the original Japanese version [you know to compare and contrast their strenths and weaknesses, and yes I expect a 3 page paper on what you all think of both versions!]



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