Well, if I had my way, the American Idol winner would be Brooke White. But, alas, America voted her off weeks ago. So the producers got their way, and got their much wanted David-David finale. All I can say is: meh. I didn't really care for either one of them, and I seriously didn't really care who won the whole thing. I mean David A. has little-to-no personality, and I guess he has a good voice, but I would not really want to buy his album. And David C., well he just has the standard rocker voice, like you turn on the radio to any rack station and that's the voice you hear. The thing I liked about Brooke was the artistry she put into each song. Her rendition of Let it Be, awesome (and yeah I am aware that I saw awesome way to much.) Love is a Battlefield, so good. She completely rearranged it and really "made it her own". She. Is. Brooke. White. (oh paula, you crazy bitch) I'm def going to buy her album when it comes out. Come to think of it I already have, she apparently made one before AI, and it is available on itunes, so check it out.
So yeah. The finale and final two. Meh.
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