So finally after weeks upon weeks of watching this god forsaken show, we have a winner, and like Eva and Jaslene before her, Whitney has broken ground to become the first ever plus sized girl to win top prize. And to this I say- eh? I mean at the beginning of the show I was definitely rooting for her to win, after all being a "plus size" girl myself, I typically tend to to want to see those people come out on top. I wanted Chris to win Project Runway, the big guy seemed so jolly in every task they asked him to do. And usually when a plus sized girl is on Top Model, I want them to go far and represent, so to speak. But the truth is I just could no get fully behind Whitney and her, ultimately, ground breaking run. First off, she looked way better with her dark hair then she did with the jacked-up blonde hair they gave her on makeover week. Also, she was just an ok model. I mean, girl had the same, open-mouthed face in every shot she took. "CLOSE YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" my friend and I would yell at the TV. Alas, she just couldn't do it. It's almost like she has some sort of disorder where, when she's trying to look "fierce", she can't close it. Just can't do it. Maybe it is just because I am, let's face it, a little bigger than the average girl, I might just be overly critical of the girl, but I just don't feel like she represented being plus-sized. Sure she might have taken home the gold, but we all know Tyra is on crack, Saliesha anyone? or as many people on the internets call her, Scandaliesha) and has a Jesus complex. Plus clearly Tyra has lost almost every other way to "break ground" on the show. Up until this point whenever you saw a plus size girl in the competition you knew the farthest they could ever hope to get is getting kicked off right before the girls go abroad. Plus, she wasn't even the best plus sized girl they've ever had on the show, (Toccara?)
I, of all people, know what it is like to grow up a fat girl in America, and let me tell you, it totally sucks. We live in a society that values and idealizes being skinny, and if you're not you're not really considered "desirable". How many guys do you know would look at
a fat girl and say, "I'd totally tap that!" Not that many. And the guys that do are called "chubby chasers," which to me does not sound like a desirable thing to be called. It

also doesn't help that some people just don't get it either. For example, in my freshman speech class, this one group gave a speech about women's image issues, and about how the standard for woman is just too high, as far as appearances go. After they were done, it was open to questions from the class. What proceeded was a long debate about it, with most of the men basically saying they didn't really see a problem with objectifying women, and the girls being outraged by it. Except, this one girl, a skinny bitch with ginormous boobs who was kind of stupid, said that she thought that women are being represented better, and that fuller figure actresses are really gaining attention, "like Scarlett Johanssen." Scarlett Johanssen? Scarlett Johanssen!? You have got to be fucking kidding me. I can think of way more people who represent the more "average sized" girl better than Scarlett Johanssen. Queen Latifah? Camryn Manheim? Sara Ramirez? It was a proud day when Camryn Manheim won the emmy and said, "This is for all the FAT girls!" The only thing full figured about Scarlett is the fact that she has big boobs. Nothing else. Now I will admit to being a little bit more harsh on bigger actresses, for the sake of this sentence I go with America Ferrera (who I don't even think is that fat), when they say shit like, "yeah I want to represent all the normal girls out there." Bitch, please. Spare me your thoughts. I definitely prefer it when it almost isn't even addressed at all. Grey's Anatomy is a perfect example of this. The show does not really make an issue out of size. To them being fat is just the same of being skinny. Heck the even have Callie sleeping with McSteamy. Now that's hot. I guess in a way, I wish people would get over their fat phobia. Fat girls are no different than skinny girls. I mean, I guess in theory I'm all for a plus size winning, but why did it have to be this one?
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