1. My roommate, obviously.
She was quite literally the messiest person I have ever met. I mean, if you looked in her room, it was like a disaster area. It was as if a tornado and earthquake like hit her room, and only her room. You couldn't see the floor, and couldn't walk anywhere without walking all over clothes. Her room was one thing, but it trickled out into other parts of the apartment, like common rooms, such as the bathroom, the kitchen, and the living room. She like never did dishes, and they would sit in the sink for weeks on end. And the bathroom always had so much of her shit in it. The place was never clean, from day one. Like when I moved in, it was a mess. Plus she was kind of a bitch, what with leaving me all of those notes and such.
2. My Floor was the messiest, weirdest floor.
So the floor I lived on really sucked. Like I think we had a lot of guys on my floor, who like didn't know how to take care of themselves. They would leave bags of trash in front of their doors, and like expect someone else to like take it to the garbage room, which was like a couple of feet away. And they were constantly making messes on the floors, which like wouldn't get cleaned up for like a couple of weeks, it was gross. Like these awesome peaces of grossness:
Some one spilled fries on the floor, and didn't even bother to pick them up:

And this one, is like tomato sauce, which went really far down the hallway, and some sort of soda or something, that when it dried up got really sticky, and them people walked through it and made it look really dirty:

3. The Weather.
If there is one thing to be said of San Francisco, is that you never know what the weather is going to be like. Don't get me wrong, I love San Fran's weather, when it's foggy and a little bit chilly out, love it. The only thing that sucks is how unpredictable it is. I mean it could start out sunny, and then twenty minutes later, it's freezing, but it's too late for you because you didn't bring a sweater, cuz it was nice out. That type of stuff. Although, I must say that I do like it way better than PA weather, can you say no humidity.
Well, I guess that's about it. It's not much of a list, three things does count as a list right? Well this is my blog, so I'm saying that it is. Let's hope next year is better than this one.