Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Random Realization.

I just realized that all of the hair on my head is natural hair color.  

Let that sink in for a second.


So yeah, I got a hair cut before I left for SF, and I'm pretty sure that with that hair cut, if there was any dyed hair, it got cut off.  I'm also pretty sure this is the first time this has happened since like 8th grade, when I started dying my hair.  

Ah, my hair.  So many colors it has been over the years.  Natural red.  Black.  Orange.  Purple stripes with brown hair.  Pink stripes.  Multi-colored stripes.  Red.  Purple.  Pink.  Blue.  Lime green.  Blonde [for like a day].  And now it's just brown.  

I remember I went to see swim meet the first year of college, and my old coach, Mr. Neumann said to me, "Ellen, what happened to your hair?  You're not supposed to go to college and get conservative."

1 comment:

Ali said...

You need to do something with your hair. Now. Pronto. Now that I think of it, it's bringing me down, I believe. Make it jet black or something, but don't down on me. Seriously.

tomingla - It's a mingling toboggan. :)