And I guess it was the fact that we were driving near my mom's home town, but she was exceptionally chatty about her childhood. She even tried to convince me that it would be a good idea to go to a cave, Mammoth Caves, where her mom dragged her and my Uncle Tom to, just cuz. Oh and apparently the Indiana hates Kentucky drivers the same way we hate Jersey drivers, only kind of the exact opposite. We were driving by, and I quote, "You know why they made the speed limit so high? So that Kentucky drivers could go half that and feel like they were going fast." Awkward silence.
Oh and we got into this like car battle with this old guy, who like refused to let us pass him, but as soon and we pulled in behind him, would go extremely slow.

They had to dig out trees to place those signs.
That's where we were.
So wait. It's Australia exoticism, in Kentucky?
South Central KY Cultural Center?
Dino World!
Do you think they just have boxes and boxes of fleas in there?
Triple divided highway.
Some river.
This was in the tourist information center in Memphis, and when I took the picture, the guy behind the counter, who was reading a paper, looked up and gave me the strangest look like, "What the fuck are you doing?" I'm not crazy....I swear.
Graceland [sorry if the pictures are blurry, no flash photography in the joint.]:
Outside Graceland.
living room.
lounge/basement area.
I kind of wish this was my lounge room.
The cloth on the wall is weird.
I wish this fountain was in my living room.
Or as I read, "Lame gold suit"
The Phanatic wants this suit.
All his gold and platinum records.
"The Phanatic would like to thank the academy for giving him this award."
It almost like the puffy shirt from Seinfeld.
This reminds me of the statue from Arrested Development, when Steve Holt is looking for his dad, GOB.
Could you image trying to play racket ball with all these things hanging on the wall?
Car Museum. Most of the pictures from here are boring, so I just added all the pictures with the Phanatic in them:

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