A couple of weeks ago, me and my dad took a mini four day road trip. It was really nice. He came and picked me up, we drove down to Monterey on the first day. Stayed the night and saw
Observe and Report. That movie is really weird, not really funny ha ha. An old couple left halfway through the movie. I really can't blame them. The movie was just weird. It really didn't help that there was this group of teenagers, who were clearly high, and being really loud and obnoxious. So the next day we drove down and went to Heart's Castle. We did a basic tour that took you to a guest house, the pool, and a couple rooms in the main house. After that, drove down a little bit more and stayed the night in Morrow Bay (I think). Then the next day, we drove back up and did another tour of Hearst's Castle, only this one was more of the main house, and way more interesting. Then we continued back, and again stayed the night in Monterey. We decided to go see
I Love You, Man. I am seriously in love with this movie. I seriously heart Jason Segel and Paul Rudd, who honestly doesn't love Paul Rudd? The next day we went to the aqarium in Monterey. It has seriously been forever since I have gone there, like many years. They added a couple of things, like a sea horse part, and now they have penguins. So that was fun. Then we drove back up to San Francisco, took the BART and went to an A's game. It was awesome, we got pretty decent seats. Unfortunately, the A's were playing the Red Sox, and we were surrounded by Sox Fans. Totally sucked, and they all pretty m uch left around the 7th or 8th inning, because their team was losing, and then, in the end, lost. It was entertaining hearing the A's fans mock the Sox fans and they walked to their cars and to the BART.
So here are some pictures from the trip:

Monterey, with some seals on the large rock.

Closer to Hearst's Castle there's a beach where the seals and the seal lions come to hang out and mate and stuff. There were a lot of them. And they do this weird thing where they fling sand on top of themselves. It's weird to watch.

The view from the castle. Not bad.

A guest house bungalow.

The Main house.

The main house from the other side.

Another guest house.

Random art in the garden area.

Random art inside a room.

Outdoor pool.

With a view of the ocean in the distance.

Indoor pool.

Ledge to jump off from and the shallow end.

The castle from a distance.

The Aquarium:

Some jelly fish.
Sea Horses:

Yes, those leafy plant things are actual sea horses.



Sea Otter!

Finish it all up with a baseball game.