Sometime Joel McHale goes on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, for some entertainment commentary. And this just made me giggle.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This Totally Made My Morning

I was on the entertainment weekly website, and they had their top ten lists of the year up, and one photo gallery that caught my eye was the cast of HIMYM recreating the best moments of the year. Only one word can describe it, Legen wait for it dary. Legendary.
There are more on the website, but these two were my favs.

Drew Carey is No Bob Barker
He didn't even seem excited that the guy got the prize right on the money. I'm pretty sure that's never happened before, besides on HIMYM.
I Can't Wait For This Movie!
MovieWeb - Movie Photos, Videos & More
Jason Segel and Paul Rudd equals love, then add in Ambdy Sander, and it could just be legendary. Even if Rashida Jones is in this movie, it still looks like it could be freaking awesome! Can't wait to see it!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
All Hail!
It's been raining off and on all day. And tonight it got just cold enough to hail, if only for like short bursts of like five minutes or so. But still, I thought it was pretty awesome. So I took, or at least attempted to take, a couple of pictures.
Here are my efforts:

It's really hard, at night, to take a picture of something that is only really seen in the light.
Here are my efforts:
It's really hard, at night, to take a picture of something that is only really seen in the light.
This Guy Is Kinda Crazy...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
She Knows How To Play And She's Mentally Retarded.

Me and Allegra saw Stella on Friday. In case you don't know what Stella is, it's the comedy trio of Michael Ian Black, Michael Showalter, and David Wain.
Comic. Geniuses.
The show was so awesome, and we almost were late cuz we were shoe shopping, and weren't sure where the theater was. See even though they said the gig was in San Francisco, it was really in Berkeley. So we had to take BART there, and it takes like 20-30 minutes to get there. So yeah. Even though they said the show started at 8 and we got there at 8:30, like literally as we were walking in to the theater, they were walking on stage. Talk about cutting it close.
So the show was awesome, and I found videos from the show that we saw. So watch and enjoy!
Party Jams (my favorite is Michael Ian Black's, and the dance that goes with it):
Christmas songs:
Encore song:
And just for funsies, Michael Ian Black on the Michael Showalter Showalter:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This Is Why I Don't Talk To People In San Francisco.
Yesterday, Allegra and I were downtown, we saw Zach and Miri Make a Porno [pretty freaking awesome, except it was lacking some of the usual Kevin Smith dialogue, probably because he put in more ad libs from the stars, didn't really feel like a Kevin Smith flick in a weird way] and were waiting around until we had to catch a BART train to Berkeley, when we decided to go into Ross to shop. We were in the underwear section, looking around at bras and such, when some random old lady came up to us, picked up some really ugly, old lady bra, and said, "I have this one, it's very sexy." Then after seeing our disgusted, not-interested looks said, "well now you think I'm crazy." Then she walked over to her friend or whoever she was with and said, "This is why I don't talk to people in San Francisco."
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Random Realization.
I just realized that all of the hair on my head is natural hair color.
Let that sink in for a second.
So yeah, I got a hair cut before I left for SF, and I'm pretty sure that with that hair cut, if there was any dyed hair, it got cut off. I'm also pretty sure this is the first time this has happened since like 8th grade, when I started dying my hair.
Ah, my hair. So many colors it has been over the years. Natural red. Black. Orange. Purple stripes with brown hair. Pink stripes. Multi-colored stripes. Red. Purple. Pink. Blue. Lime green. Blonde [for like a day]. And now it's just brown.
I remember I went to see swim meet the first year of college, and my old coach, Mr. Neumann said to me, "Ellen, what happened to your hair? You're not supposed to go to college and get conservative."
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Air Travel.
I think this Thanksgiving, I experienced the worst two days of travel...ever.
On the way out to Pa, it seemed easy enough: fly into Washington DC, with an hour to spare, then hop on another plane to Allentown. Easy right? Wrong! The first step was easy enough to obtain, the second step, not so much. So, my flight going out to DC was at like 1 in the afternoon, so I didn't have to get up at too unreasonable an hour. I got up in plenty of time, grabbed a shower, and left. Got the 28 bus, took it to the Daly City BART station, then grabbed a train to the airport. Ended up getting to the airport a good 2 hours early. Grabbed some food, and waited around. My flight, oddly enough, left on time, which is so unusual for the SF airport. Almost every flight I have gotten out of there has not left on time.
Anyway, I get to DC, and figure out where my plan is leaving from, and go. And what do I find, but that my flight have been delayed, I think, by like four minutes, so I don't worry. I grab some food at a burger place called 5 Guys, I got a grilled cheese and some fries, really good. Then I go back to the gate and eat and wait for my plane to take board. At this point, even with the plane leaving on time, I wouldn't get into Allentown until 11:30-midnight. Then, I find out that the plane we are supposed to take, left at 5 that day, then had engine troubles wherever is landed, and so now we don't have a plane to take us. So people weren't sure if they were going to cancel the flight or if they were going to be able to get it in. This was this like couple sitting across from me who kept debating this question, the husband was like convinced that they were going to cancel the flight, so they should rent a car and drive home, the wife was just like 'whatever, I don't care'. But they debated this for a while, and I totally thought they had decided to rent a car and drive home, because they got up with all their stuff and left only to return like an hour later. So I was bummed, and really worried, cuz I didn't want to stay in DC for the night. So I waited, watched some HIMYM, Slap Bet and Stuff [gotta love NPH as a singing robot].
The plan was that the plane going to to somewhere in NY was going to go, and then fly back and come get us and take us to Allentown. Sounds good, until you realise that the pilot and crew can only fly a certain amount of time, and they were worried that they would be over by the time they got back, thus stranding us in DC. So again we were left waiting. Luckily the flight did not get canceled and we ended up leaving by like 1:30 in the AM. We had this like awesome flight attendant named Gary, I think. He totally had a, 'Man I better be getting paid extra for this shit' attitude. Loved it. Plus the guy gave me a whole can of ginger ale, so I was happy. We ended up getting into Allentown at like 3:30 in the morning. When I got home, Luke came down to greet me, and was crying and super excited. Even Max came out to say hello. It was nice.
So now the flight back. Originally I was supposed to take the same flight back. Fly from Allentown to DC then DC to San Fran. Unfortunately, the airplane company changed my flight to this: Allentown to Chicago, Chicago to Sacramento, Sacramento to San Francisco, basically a 12 hour day. Oh yeah, and my first flight left at 7:10 in the am. Oh and the kicker is, I was really sick, still am, with some illness. So yeah, it made a bad day worse.
Nothing really exciting happened, all my flight left on time. The only sad thing that happened was while I was walking to get a cab home, one of my favorite flower earring that my sister gave me for my birthday, fell out in the airport somewhere. I didn't notice it was missing until I was already halfway home. So sad. I freaking love those earrings.
On the way out to Pa, it seemed easy enough: fly into Washington DC, with an hour to spare, then hop on another plane to Allentown. Easy right? Wrong! The first step was easy enough to obtain, the second step, not so much. So, my flight going out to DC was at like 1 in the afternoon, so I didn't have to get up at too unreasonable an hour. I got up in plenty of time, grabbed a shower, and left. Got the 28 bus, took it to the Daly City BART station, then grabbed a train to the airport. Ended up getting to the airport a good 2 hours early. Grabbed some food, and waited around. My flight, oddly enough, left on time, which is so unusual for the SF airport. Almost every flight I have gotten out of there has not left on time.
Anyway, I get to DC, and figure out where my plan is leaving from, and go. And what do I find, but that my flight have been delayed, I think, by like four minutes, so I don't worry. I grab some food at a burger place called 5 Guys, I got a grilled cheese and some fries, really good. Then I go back to the gate and eat and wait for my plane to take board. At this point, even with the plane leaving on time, I wouldn't get into Allentown until 11:30-midnight. Then, I find out that the plane we are supposed to take, left at 5 that day, then had engine troubles wherever is landed, and so now we don't have a plane to take us. So people weren't sure if they were going to cancel the flight or if they were going to be able to get it in. This was this like couple sitting across from me who kept debating this question, the husband was like convinced that they were going to cancel the flight, so they should rent a car and drive home, the wife was just like 'whatever, I don't care'. But they debated this for a while, and I totally thought they had decided to rent a car and drive home, because they got up with all their stuff and left only to return like an hour later. So I was bummed, and really worried, cuz I didn't want to stay in DC for the night. So I waited, watched some HIMYM, Slap Bet and Stuff [gotta love NPH as a singing robot].
The plan was that the plane going to to somewhere in NY was going to go, and then fly back and come get us and take us to Allentown. Sounds good, until you realise that the pilot and crew can only fly a certain amount of time, and they were worried that they would be over by the time they got back, thus stranding us in DC. So again we were left waiting. Luckily the flight did not get canceled and we ended up leaving by like 1:30 in the AM. We had this like awesome flight attendant named Gary, I think. He totally had a, 'Man I better be getting paid extra for this shit' attitude. Loved it. Plus the guy gave me a whole can of ginger ale, so I was happy. We ended up getting into Allentown at like 3:30 in the morning. When I got home, Luke came down to greet me, and was crying and super excited. Even Max came out to say hello. It was nice.
So now the flight back. Originally I was supposed to take the same flight back. Fly from Allentown to DC then DC to San Fran. Unfortunately, the airplane company changed my flight to this: Allentown to Chicago, Chicago to Sacramento, Sacramento to San Francisco, basically a 12 hour day. Oh yeah, and my first flight left at 7:10 in the am. Oh and the kicker is, I was really sick, still am, with some illness. So yeah, it made a bad day worse.
Nothing really exciting happened, all my flight left on time. The only sad thing that happened was while I was walking to get a cab home, one of my favorite flower earring that my sister gave me for my birthday, fell out in the airport somewhere. I didn't notice it was missing until I was already halfway home. So sad. I freaking love those earrings.
I Can't Stop Listening to...
"My Freeze Ray" and "Let's Go To The Mall". Both songs totally awesome, and incredibly catchy. I mean NPH totally awesome in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and if you haven't seen it, what is wrong with you? It's totally awesome. And Robin Sparkles? Ummm, one of the best episodes of HIMYM ever! The song is so addictive, I must have listened to it like 10 times in a row last night after I downloaded it. Best line for me is, "but don't forget the robot" ! Too awesome.
Anyway, here they are in all their glory. Enjoy!
My Freeze Ray:
Let's Go To The Mall:
Anyway, here they are in all their glory. Enjoy!
My Freeze Ray:
Let's Go To The Mall:
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