I was sewing, and I could hear Max breathing, but I couldn't see him on the floor. I rolled back and found him in the desk. I made it more homely and comfortable by adding the rug. Now he sits there all the time.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Random Photo of the Week
I was sewing, and I could hear Max breathing, but I couldn't see him on the floor. I rolled back and found him in the desk. I made it more homely and comfortable by adding the rug. Now he sits there all the time.
Never Again.
One time I made my mom a CD of songs I thought she would like, with artists I thought she would like, who I am not necessarily in love with. One of the songs was a song by Michael Bublé.
Now every time that song pops up on my iPOD and I pass it, my mom goes, "What? You don't want to listen to it? It's your favorite guy."
And she totally means it too.
Now every time that song pops up on my iPOD and I pass it, my mom goes, "What? You don't want to listen to it? It's your favorite guy."
And she totally means it too.
Don't Forget the Lyrics...
My mom and I were watching Hairspray, and it's the first song, "Good Morning Baltimore" and Nikki Blonsky is singing the line:
Good Morning Baltimore
Every day's like an open door
Every night's like a fantasy
Every sound's like a symphony
After this, my mom turns to me and says, "every time she sings that line I totally think she's saying, 'every day's like an open sore'" I totally thought that was hilarious, except now whenever I listen to that song, I can't help but think, "every day's like an open sore" at that part.
I find this happens to me whenever I'm listening to "Patience" from Dreamgirls. The line is supposed to be:
We got to walk in Peace
It's the only, only way
If we want to see that morning
Of a Brighter Day
But I always hear "if we want to see that boning..."
Every time, and I have to keep reminding myself, "no that's not right."
Good Morning Baltimore
Every day's like an open door
Every night's like a fantasy
Every sound's like a symphony
After this, my mom turns to me and says, "every time she sings that line I totally think she's saying, 'every day's like an open sore'" I totally thought that was hilarious, except now whenever I listen to that song, I can't help but think, "every day's like an open sore" at that part.
I find this happens to me whenever I'm listening to "Patience" from Dreamgirls. The line is supposed to be:
We got to walk in Peace
It's the only, only way
If we want to see that morning
Of a Brighter Day
But I always hear "if we want to see that boning..."
Every time, and I have to keep reminding myself, "no that's not right."
You Know You're Crazy When...
...you're sitting in your room, and you're friend comes over to borrow a book and your dogs start barking at him and you reach for the remote to mute cuz you think it's the tv and it takes you a good minute to realize that no, it's not the tv...or your computer.
Hey Is This Thing On?...
If anyone is out there, and I'm guess about one or two of you might be, let me know how I'm doing. I want some feedback so that I can adapt with unlimited paper in a paperless world.
Oy With The Poodles Already!

Recently I took a week out of my, a-hem, busy schedule to watch the complete series of Gilmore Girls. And by complete series I mean 1 through 6, skipping the awkwardness that is season 7, when creator Amy Sherman Palladino left the show and it went to hell. I got to say, I really miss that show, it was so awesome. I somewhat really hope that the movie gets made, it whatever capacity it is (via the theatre or made for tv variety) I just want to know what is going on in the lives of these characters, and how the show would have ended had said creator not left. Here are some things that I learned while watching the show:
I am totally a Lorelai and not a Rory.
Luke is my favorite of Lorelai's boyfriends, mainly because he is awesome.
And what took them so long to get together?
And come to think of it, Luke- hot or not? I go back and forth.
If Dwigt and Angela from the Office had a baby, it would be Paris Gellar. I mean she says "question" before asking a question, and this was before the office.
I totally wish Lorelai was my actual mom.
Dean was kind of a douche, and I got sick of him pretty fast.
Milo Ventimiglia was way hot, even back then.
And Season 5 is about as perfect a season of any show I've seen.
I wish I could speak that fast and spew ten pop culture references a minute.
What Has Two Thumbs and Went to Scranton?...
...This guy!
This is long over due, but Last Saturday, or maybe two Saturdays ago, Akita and I drove all the way to Scranton just to meet Mindy Kahling, otherwise known as Kelly from the Office (and if you still don't know, the Indian chick) The day did not start off all that good. I was a good fifteen minutes late getting out of the house, and by the time I got to Akita's house she wasn't even up, or ready to go. Cut to 45 minutes later, we off and on our way to Scranton. Then more chaos ensues.
First we exited the freeway, when we should have stayed on it. Then We drove about five miles the wrong way just to get some breakfast and gas. We finally got on the road again, and all was rolling smoothly, until we got to Scranton that is. The first time, we were too busy talk about how exciting it was to be in Scranton that we missed our turn and got lost. That fine, just turn around and find the right way, right? Wrong. Fact. We got lost so we tried to get back on the freeway that we were on in hopes of starting over, and in the process went the wrong direction. So take three. We turned around and started going the right way, and then exited at the right exit, only to turn the wrong way at the street. We then got lost through, what I think, was North Southwest Scranton, or something like that. Take Five. We turned around, and finally made it to the Steamtown Mall.
Now at this point we were freaking out, thinking that we had missed our opportunity to meet Ms. Kahling. As it turns out we weren't, we bought our games and went down to watch some trivia. We were both to scared to actually have signed up for the trivia, although, sitting listening, I think I would have kicked some ass, and maybe won? More likely, gotten out in the first round on some dumb mistake. Anwyay, we needed to recharge our batteries, so what should we come across but an arcade. We didn't want to waste all our money, so we shelled out all the quarters we could find, which ended up being many, and played our favorite type of game: shooting. We kicked some major ass with it too. Got all the way up to like the end of level three (the final level). We then got some lunch, and wandered about the mall, where I found a kick ass Flight of the Conchords poster, to go up in my dorm room.
Then we waited in line. I never quite know what to say when I meet someone somewhat famous. I usually say some pretty retarded things. Case in point, I totally geeked out on Roger Bart and told him how awesome I thought he was, and how much I love the You're a Good Man Charlie Brown Cd, (he told me that was a cute album), but still kind of embarrassing. So, when it comes to my turn to go get my game signed, we exchanged the pleasantries, how you doing?, then she goes, "how's it going?" and i proceed to say "pretty good, hanging out in the mall" And then my brain went "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I mean, I would say I'm one of the biggest Office fans there are, and I said nothing of the sort. Oh well, I wasn't one of the many gushing, suck up fans that were there. I was somewhat special, and not in an I-eat-glue-sort-of-special. I hope.
We then walked away, kind of hyperventilating and laughing hysterically.
Here are some pics (and no, I have no idea what I was on to wear that outfit):
This is long over due, but Last Saturday, or maybe two Saturdays ago, Akita and I drove all the way to Scranton just to meet Mindy Kahling, otherwise known as Kelly from the Office (and if you still don't know, the Indian chick) The day did not start off all that good. I was a good fifteen minutes late getting out of the house, and by the time I got to Akita's house she wasn't even up, or ready to go. Cut to 45 minutes later, we off and on our way to Scranton. Then more chaos ensues.
First we exited the freeway, when we should have stayed on it. Then We drove about five miles the wrong way just to get some breakfast and gas. We finally got on the road again, and all was rolling smoothly, until we got to Scranton that is. The first time, we were too busy talk about how exciting it was to be in Scranton that we missed our turn and got lost. That fine, just turn around and find the right way, right? Wrong. Fact. We got lost so we tried to get back on the freeway that we were on in hopes of starting over, and in the process went the wrong direction. So take three. We turned around and started going the right way, and then exited at the right exit, only to turn the wrong way at the street. We then got lost through, what I think, was North Southwest Scranton, or something like that. Take Five. We turned around, and finally made it to the Steamtown Mall.
Now at this point we were freaking out, thinking that we had missed our opportunity to meet Ms. Kahling. As it turns out we weren't, we bought our games and went down to watch some trivia. We were both to scared to actually have signed up for the trivia, although, sitting listening, I think I would have kicked some ass, and maybe won? More likely, gotten out in the first round on some dumb mistake. Anwyay, we needed to recharge our batteries, so what should we come across but an arcade. We didn't want to waste all our money, so we shelled out all the quarters we could find, which ended up being many, and played our favorite type of game: shooting. We kicked some major ass with it too. Got all the way up to like the end of level three (the final level). We then got some lunch, and wandered about the mall, where I found a kick ass Flight of the Conchords poster, to go up in my dorm room.
Then we waited in line. I never quite know what to say when I meet someone somewhat famous. I usually say some pretty retarded things. Case in point, I totally geeked out on Roger Bart and told him how awesome I thought he was, and how much I love the You're a Good Man Charlie Brown Cd, (he told me that was a cute album), but still kind of embarrassing. So, when it comes to my turn to go get my game signed, we exchanged the pleasantries, how you doing?, then she goes, "how's it going?" and i proceed to say "pretty good, hanging out in the mall" And then my brain went "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I mean, I would say I'm one of the biggest Office fans there are, and I said nothing of the sort. Oh well, I wasn't one of the many gushing, suck up fans that were there. I was somewhat special, and not in an I-eat-glue-sort-of-special. I hope.
We then walked away, kind of hyperventilating and laughing hysterically.
Here are some pics (and no, I have no idea what I was on to wear that outfit):
You Know It Was Shot in Chicago?

...Well it was, as my sister pointed out to me when I told her I saw the new Batman movie. (Go Cubbies!... but not really) today I saw it for a second time, and man was it awesome. I'll get this out of the way now. Heath Ledger's performance was good, maybe even bordering on great. To me he wasn't the best part of the show, and people can judge me all they want, but I feel like there would not be this much buzz around his performance had he not died recently. Sure this might sound harsh and blunt, but it's kind of true. I mean I remember reading this blog and they were talking about the new trailer, this was before he died, and they thought there seemed to be something off about his performance, and they weren't sure if they were sold on Ledger as the Joker. Sure, this was just based off the trailer, but it's like suddenly, after he dies, it like, "Genius!", "Amazing!" blah blah.
And I couldn't disagree more with people who think that they should never have the Joker ever again in a Batman movie, out of respect to Ledger, and how no one else could play the Joker. Well guess what people, someone else has already played the Joker, a small unknown guy by the name of Jack Nicholson, maybe you've heard of him? Plus who's to say that Heath Ledger would have even wanted to do another Batman movie? I guess what I'm trying to say is that Heath Ledger is part of an amazing ensemble, where all the characters are equally balanced, and it not all about Ledger. I mean Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Maggie Gyllenhaal (who is a def step up from Katie Holmes, who really sucks ass), Aaron Eckhart, and Gary Oldman, who are all equal parts good. I especially enjoyed the transformation of Aaraon Eckhart's white knight, Harvey Dent, into the twisted revenge seeking Two Face. They set this transformation up early with Harvey saying, "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Perfect. And I really didn't mind when (spoiler alert) Rachel dies, you have to figure she had to go at some point, I mean in all the other Batman movies (which are supposed to have taken place after this movie) Bruce Wayne is a bachelor on the prowl and not hung over some gal. And come on, Christian Bale, who I normally don't really like, is totally hot. I would totally do Bruce Wayne, and not just because he's a billionaire. Also, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Michael Caine are all so good in this film, so good. One of the reason this film works so well is that all the characters get just enough screen time that we really care about them, but not so much that is bogs the story down.
For me though the real mastermind behind the film is the director Christopher Nolan who, in my opinion, is nothing less that a genius filmmaker. He will always hold my highest regards after Memento, one of my, maybe, top ten favorite films of all time, at the very least top twenty. Memento is one of those movies that just makes you look at movies in a whole new way, it was one of the first to really start the trend of having a not-so-obvious narrative, while at the same time really getting you in to the mind of the character at hand. I could, and have, write papers on how awesome this movie is. No matter what Nolan does, he will always be up there with the filmmakers I admire.
Anyway, back to Batman. To me it is Nolan that really grounds the movie in reality. The environment and the "world" he creates are so realistic, it doesn't feel cartoony or fake, part of that is the excellent casting, and the other part are the choices that Nolan makes. For instance, on thing that is not lost on me are the lack of CGI in the movie itself. All of the chase scenes and stunts were done in camera, and not in post, which makes it way more authentic. I mean the fact that in this day and age there are still people doing it the old fashioned way, is awesome. I like that. I alway hate when movies throw in a bunch of CGI, and you can totally tell it's CGI, for instance many scenes in Spiderman movies, I can always tell. I have an eye for spotting the fakiness of that type of stuff. I also love how dark Nolan has made the Batman franchise, past movies haven't had this sort of gravitas that is required of Batman, who in it of itself is a darker character than most. He's just an average guy with a dark past who is fueled by a desire to show the goodness in man, like his father did. Great stuff. I feel like it really is Nolan who is bringing the series around. If this material were is lesser hands, the movie would not even come close to being half as good.
All in all this movie is a feast for the eyes, and a terror for the heart (wha?). This movie does deserve oscar nominations, and not just for Ledger as everyone keeps saying. I think this movie should get nominated for picture, director, and screenplay. Hey is Lord of the Rings can do it, so can this.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Really Random
My mom has suddenly become obsessed with me cleaning out my toilet. She has mentioned it like three times in two days, which is breaking her previous record of having never mentioned it ever before.

If you take one part sarcasm (as in the Daily Show/Colbert Report), one part dry, witty, low energy, dead pan comedy (see The Office/Flight of the Conchords, and yes I am aware that is about five things), one part Frat humor (any Apatow, Frat Pack movie) and about three parts just stupidly smart stupid shit (see all of the above), you would get my sense of humor. If Flight of the Conchords, Arrested Development, The Office, and Judd Apatow and Jon Stewart could somehow breed and create an awesome bastard child of a show, well that would just be plain awesome. How I would not describe my humor is stupid stupid and sitcomy retardedness, which is what I always assumed How I Met Your Mother to be. In fact, I always thought HIMYM was just a seriously retarded show, just the premise alone made me not want to watch it: "hey kids let me tell you about how I met your mother," snoozer. Plus it's narrated by Bob Saget, who I totally think is douche bag, but I guess that's besides the point. But as it turns out, the show is actually pretty sweet. I mean Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segal are pretty awesome, and the show actually makes me laugh, even though I'm not too fond of the main character Ted, he's kind of annoying, and he totally reminds me of like if John Cusack and Jason Bateman had a bastard child, it would be this guy. But it got me asking, why I hadn't watched this show before? I suggest that you take it up as well.
It's The End of July...Right?
My school said they would send housing information at the end of July.
Well it's the end of July.
So where is my housing info...
I guess they were too busy updating the new school website to do housing stuff.
Those bastards.
Well it's the end of July.
So where is my housing info...
I guess they were too busy updating the new school website to do housing stuff.
Those bastards.
Monday, July 7, 2008
The Spice Girls, Seriously Dirty
Yes, it's true, the Spice Girls have some seriously dirty lyrics. As a kid I never noticed them, I would happily sing along with the sex filled lyrics, not realizing their contents. It really wasn't until like a week ago, when I was driving along the highway, with my friend, singing along to a personal fav of mine, 2 become 1. It was then that I just realized how dirty these lyrics were. Just the chorus is dirty:
I need some love like I never needed love before
(Wanna make love to ya baby)
I had a little love, now I'm back for more
(Wanna make love to ya baby)
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
Oh how about this gem:
Are you as good as I remember baby, get it on, get it on
'Cause tonight is the night when two become one
Ah, oh wow
Ah, oh wow
Be a little bit wiser baby, put it on, put it on
'Cause tonight is the night when two become one
It was at this point that my friend and I looked at each other and changed the song. I actually can't believe my mom let me listen to such filth, and when I asked my mom to defend herself she said, and I quote, "Well you didn't know what you were singing, so I let it slide." So what she is saying, is that she knew the content and just let me listen to the music that I wanted to listen to? Is she mad? What self-respecting parent let's their kids choose such things? My mom apparently. Oh well, I still love the Spice Girls, for nostalgia reasons, of course. But they were pretty awesome. Even if all their songs were about sex.
I need some love like I never needed love before
(Wanna make love to ya baby)
I had a little love, now I'm back for more
(Wanna make love to ya baby)
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
Oh how about this gem:
Are you as good as I remember baby, get it on, get it on
'Cause tonight is the night when two become one
Ah, oh wow
Ah, oh wow
Be a little bit wiser baby, put it on, put it on
'Cause tonight is the night when two become one
It was at this point that my friend and I looked at each other and changed the song. I actually can't believe my mom let me listen to such filth, and when I asked my mom to defend herself she said, and I quote, "Well you didn't know what you were singing, so I let it slide." So what she is saying, is that she knew the content and just let me listen to the music that I wanted to listen to? Is she mad? What self-respecting parent let's their kids choose such things? My mom apparently. Oh well, I still love the Spice Girls, for nostalgia reasons, of course. But they were pretty awesome. Even if all their songs were about sex.
You Know You're Crazy When...

...you're watching a show and you think to yourself, "that actor has the same mouth area as this other actor," which is what I was thinking as I was watching the pilot episode of Mad Men, and the main guy on the show, Jon Hamm (who, fun fact, was in an episode of Gilmore Girls!) totally has the same mouth area as Aaron Eckhart. It's true, at least in my crazed opinion.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What Lives in a Sand Castle?...
...A Sand Witch!
Ok I do not get this joke for the life of me, it was on one of my popsicles, and I was stupid enough to actually read it, what is wrong with me?
Question. Is there such thing as a sand witch and I never heard of it before? Or do they mean like sandwich, but like like a sandWITCH? But why would a sandwich be living in a sand castle? I feel like if they meant like that they would have written it in some that would signify they meant sandwich. For instance, What do cows do for fun? The go to the MOO-vies, ha ha. Man, I think the only real answer is that I just should not read these "jokes"
I don't know, but this has been bugging me for at least a week.
Now one more retarded joke, that I find a little dirrrrty.
When is a pillow like a mug of root beer?
When it has some head on it.
A couple of weeks ago I got a new driver's license, which required a new picture. So my mom and I went to a place where I could get it taken. The lady asked me if there was anything wrong with my information, and I told her that my height was wrong. It said I was 5'4", now while I'm short, I'm not that short. So I told her I was 5'6", and she literally told me that the state didn't care if it until it was 3 inches. 3 inches, are you kidding me? You can't just change it for my sake? Besides that, it's a 2 inch difference, which is like 1 inch away from being 3 inches. It's like 2 inches ok, 3 inches, we must change it now. I really wish she would have changed it. It bugs me every time I see it, just cuz I know the truth.
Good Times

So I was watching Gilmore Girls, big shocker there, and I was watching the episode where Luke teaches Lorelai how to fish, and it just brought back so many memories of my Dad teaching me how to fish. And when I say he taught me how to fish, I mean, he would take me out to a lake, with all the intentions of teaching me, but as soon as we saw a fish, he would be like, "Ok now watch how I do this and then later repeat it," just because what he really wanted to do was fish, and not really teach how, that or maybe it was the ADD, who knows. That's not to say I didn't have a good time. I would at the very least start off having a good time, but watching fishing, after a while, just gets BORing, I know cuz my Dad would also subject me to watching fishing on TV, which is SUPER boring. I only ever caught one fish, and it was so small, just like in a sitcom or something. But, I guess at the end of the day, it was fun. So now I leave you with some old camping/fishing pics of my Dad. Enjoy!
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